Thursday, May 19, 2011

One Year Later After Surgery #1

It has been one year since I have lost my colon.  At first, people take that as a bad thing.  "Oh, I'm so sorry you had to go through that." I'm not.  It made me alive again.  I never realized how unhappy I was until I didn't have to worry about my colitis anymore.  I have never been so happy, and confident, and in love with myself and life.  This surgery made me me.  It was the best decision I have ever made.  Yes, there were some setbacks, but that is part of the process.  You learn more about yourself and what you can handle.  You also realize who are your true friends. No one abandoned me.  But a lot of people were awkward around me or couldn't get themselves to come to the hospital to see me.  I am a different person.  I still have my quirks but I appreciate them more.  I am more trusting and willing to be vulnerable.   I know what I want in life and never settle.  Without colitis, I can finally focus on me.  This surgery was a god send. 


  1. Have you had the second surgery yet? If so, how is the J Pouch working for you? I'm scheduled for my first surgery at the end of June and am scared to death.

  2. Hi, I'm sorry this is late! I've been really busy. But, yes I have had the second surgery (it will be a year in august) and I feel amazing. This was the best decision I have ever made. The recovery is a little hard, but believe me, it is worth it. The actual J pouch is quite different than a colon but it's not bad or anything, just different. There are some adjustments, but a life with a J pouch is much better than a life with UC. I feel like I have my life again. Thank you for your comment and I hope your surgery goes well!!! I'm sure it will!!!!
